For the past 3 weeks I have been trying to get hold of ROL’s “terms and conditions” which I believe is something which each customer SHOULD be having.
Unfortunately I haven’t been successful and from my knowledge there are NO such documents in ROL. I will point out a few interesting facts I have come across while trying to get hold of this document from ROL!
Broken Links in the Website
The links for “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy” does not work
No Reply to email
It has been more than 2 weeks since I have sent an email to almost all the email addresses which were posted in contact us page in ROL’s website.
Telephone calls
Several telephone calls have been made to ROL and the girl who answered the phone had no idea what these documents were. So had a fun time trying to make her understand what they were for 5 minutes or so every time a call was made. Hehe. I asked to be passed to a senior personel and not once was able to reach anyone who was willing to answer me since they were all too busy at that moment or too busy at a meeting.
And while I was discussing my frustration with a friend of mine, unsurprisingly he also had the same problem. He was told that the copy was with their legal adviser for modification and that no applicable T&C is available at the moment. If i was him I would have brought to their attention that the availability of the currently practicing copy of the terms & conditions is a customers' legal right
So the question I ask out loud is that isn’t it a LEGAL RIGHT for each customer to be given these documents when applications are made? and ALSO for the fact that the application form asks the applicants to sign saying they understand the terms and conditions.
Lets see how the public reacts to this issue, somehow legally I think there is an issue when ROL makes the customer signs stating that they agree to these terms and conditions, but when they request to view these terms and conditions, they can’t have it? This is unacceptable on many levels and TAM as the regulating body should take action against ROL.
In comparison, that the T&C and the applicable usage policy of dhiraagu internet service is readily available on their website
I urge anyone who uses focus to file a complaint with TAM at their hotline on 332 3344, or email them at